Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Surviving the rhymes...

Imagine living in nas's life. being that young trying to figure out your life. after you hear this song look back and see all the characteristics that compare to regular life. the vedeo connects with the real world it shows you not the exact same thing but it gives you a head up for it. personally i saw this video and looked at all the points that were givin. if you see the lyrics before the video it might help you learn the hard stuff


mister said...

cool idea...with the music video and everything. btw, mr. ravin, is this an assignment?

mister said...

omg this is my blog!
comment on it!

Unknown said...

no, this isn't an assignment. we made it totally voluntary. but, i'm super excited to see what you guys put up here. ummm, when the others start.

yay emily!!!!

mister said...

emily, calm the heck down! ur exploding! and uh, how do we put stuff on the site?
Chrissy V!

mister said...

i cant see the video

it keeps freezing anyone know why?

-Anika :)

mister said...

why doent anyone post comments anymore?

-Anika :(

mister said...

well im posting...right now!
wait, do i have to log in to comment and stuff?
oh and good to know-that this is not an assignment.
argg! this site is so complicated!
could someone show me how to use it? :)I'm kinda hopeless...

mister said...

No one leaves posts, which makes me very sad :( I left a post once, and it got deleted for some reason. There is one post, which is sad. We'll change that now...